Metro Prepaid Sub Meter vs Check/Credit Meter





We're going to look at the differences between a credit meter and a Metro Prepaid electric sub meter. What are the differences? Which one should you use if you're a landlord and want to buy a sub meter for your tenants?

Check/Credit Meter 

The first meter is called a check meter or a credit meter and it is quite affordable from any electrical wholesaler. The problem with this sub meter is that once it is installed, the landlord has to read the sub meter every month to work out how much electricity the tenant has used and then bill the tenant.

This may cause conflict as a tenant may dispute the amount being charged by the landlord because they would deem it unfair, they may deny having used that much electricity or say the sub meter is faulty. So this can be a lot of admin for the landlord - reading the sub meter, billing and collecting money from the tenant. The Metro Prepaid electric sub meter may help with this..

Metro Prepaid Electric Sub Meter

With the Metro Prepaid electric sub meter, a landlord doesn't need to sell electricity to the tenant nor collect money from the tenant. The landlord doesn't have to deal with the tenant.

All the tenant has to do is just go to a local PayPoint outlet or even online and just buy the Metro Code, enter it into the sub meter and they have electricity for the month. The electricity is prepaid and not post paid like the credit sub meter. The tenant can't save electricity because they don't know how much they are using during the month. Metro Prepaid makes this easy and convenient.

As the landlord, you must make the decision about the sub meter you want.  The check/ credit meter cost about $15 and the Metro Prepaid sub meter costs about $68. Do you want the convenience or do you want to struggle every month by working out a bill for your tenants and collecting the money? The decision is yours to make.