Prepaid Electric Meters for Landlords and Tenants
Prepaid Electric Meters for Landlords and Tenants Metro Prepaid has developed an efficient way for US Landlords to manage electricity usage and collect payments from tenants through prepaid meters. Metro Prepaid electric meter...
Reducing Energy Costs with Metro Prepaid Sub Meters
Reducing energy costs with Metro Prepaid Electric Sub Meters Winter approaches amid rising energy costs, many of us will need to take steps to save on electricity costs. You may want to consider installing electric sub meters as a way to re...
10 Ways Metro Prepaid's Electric Meters Improve ADU Management
10 Ways Metro Prepaid's Electric Meters Improve ADU Management Some landlords address the need to control usage and collect payment for utilities with the use of check or kilowatt hour “kWh” meters. These are readable meters that typically ...
Electric Sub Meters for ADU Housing: An Owner's Experience
Electric Sub Meters for ADU Homes: An Owner's Experience Electric sub meters are popular in multi-let buildings as a way to accurately track individual energy usage and allocate costs fairly. However, while these landlord meter...
Electric Meters for ADU Homes: An Owner's Experience
Electric Meters for ADU Homes: An Owner's Experience Electric meters for ADU homes are a way to accurately track individual energy usage and allocate costs fairly. However, while these landlord meters can bring many benefits, t...
How to Register a Metro Prepaid Electric Sub Meter?
Have you as a landlord or electrician just bought a Metro Prepaid electricity sub meter from your local electrical wholesaler and want to know how to register these electric sub meters? Read on to get the answer. Ways to Register a M...
Does your ADU property lead on climate change?
Does your ADU property lead on climate change? Are multi-let properties more energy efficient per unit of accommodation than single residential dwellings? Anecdotal evidence suggests that by optimising the use of space and sh...
How to buy Metro Codes for meters at PayPoint stores
How do tenants buy Metro Codes for meters at PayPoint stores? This blog post is an edited transcript of a video done by Girshwin on Youtube. So you have just installed a Metro Prepaid electric sub meter for ...
Metro Prepaid Sub Meter vs Check/Credit Meter
Metro Prepaid Sub Meter vs Check/Credit Meter We're going to look at the differences between a credit meter and a Metro Prepaid electric sub meter. What are the differences? Which one should you use if you're a l...
Why Do Tenants Demand Prepay Meters?
Why Do Tenants Demand Prepay Meters? Efficient management of electricity bills benefits not only the tenants but landlords too. HMO Daddy Jim Haliburton’s number 1 money-saving tip for multi-let property landlords is to install elect...
Landlords Slash Install Costs with Electric Sub Meters
Landlords Slash Install Costs with Electric Meters Some landlords are cutting their install costs by as much as 75% with pre-pay electric sub-meters. Electric Sub meters are inexpensive and can often be installed using much of the ex...